Goal of the initiative
Greta Thunberg wants to move the politicians of all countries through her movement Fridays for Future to save humanity from a climate catastrophe. The ultimate goal of the Law for future initiative is that the states should first be enabled to collectively save not only the biosphere from destruction, but all three To solve world problems. The three world problems that must be solved at the same time are the
1) keeping peace
2.) True to creation
3.) Finding justice.
The institute has drafted norms of a peace order (FO), which entitle the states and oblige them to solve the world problems. World peace is achieved when war between states is not just banned remains, but if this violent interest persecution institute is replaced by a nonviolent interest persecution institute, a political international procedural order and every violent military action of a state is prevented nd sanctioned not only by the attacked state or a defense alliance, but jointly by all states via a special anti-aggression procedure.
1.) Creation is preserved when all states commit themselves to their To prevent overuse and every state is obliged to preserve the hairs of life such as the seas, forests, large lakes and moors and every state can also insist that these obligations are adhered to.
The effectiveness of the authorization and is also provided for Obligation may be beyond the political international political procedural rules
can be achieved. In addition, there are the norms of an environmental statute. Important spheres of life such as the atmosphere, the oceans, steppes, moors, large forests becomes the legal capacity under international law and thus the Recognized as a party to the international rules of procedure. you will be represented by the states, usually by those in which the spheres of life are are located. This gives them special powers, but also authorizations Obligations.
2.) Justice will be realized when the states jointly ensure that no state decays in a state that it is no longer able to guarantee its people the security and adequate welfare. The FO also includes a statute: States in need: Each state can choose one or more sponsoring states, which are obliged to to help out of emergency situations. These states are closely related to one another in order to prevent emergency situations in good time. Justice can be achieved through a minority statute Ethnic or religious minorities receive if they act in a certain way have organized, upon request, the legal capacity under international law and thus the temporary eligibility for the international rules of procedure to their Minority rights over them sue the host state.